June 13, 2011 § Leave a comment

Country Barn Chapel


To the right of the main house as you walk out the front door is the barn, with a sort of garage and workshop area adjacent.

The inside of the barn is beautiful, herringbone brickwork on the floor, pale beams and you guessed it, another fireplace, although this one is just for decoration.
The garden is pretty big, with enough cherry trees in it to feed the village!  But my favourite part is the stone- walled potager, or vegetable garden.  I love it’s crooked stone columns leading in and the symetrical layout of the beds.

From here you can stroll out the other side and discover what is officially an outbuilding but could actually be a good size house.

A part of the downstairs has been renovated and is used as an office, but the whole upper floor and the right wing  needs restoration.  Where the cow shed stood there are still the names of the cows written on slate tiles on the walls, and behind the next door is the original bread oven, still usable.

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